# coding: utf8 from bs4 import BeautifulSoup from git import Repo from multiprocessing import Pool from selenium import webdriver from socket import gethostbyname_ex from urllib.parse import urljoin from urllib.parse import urlparse import certifi import json import logging import os import random import re import requests import shutil import statistics import sys import yaml # configuration # number of parallel processes to use for crawling concurrency = 3 # connection timeout for website checks (seconds) connect_timeout = 5 # response timeout for website checks read_timeout = 10 # Git repo for our data green_directory_repo = 'https://github.com/netzbegruenung/green-directory.git' # folder in that repo that holds the data green_direcory_data_path = 'data/countries/de' green_directory_local_path = './cache/green-directory' result_path = '/out' # IP address of the newthinking GCMS server gcms_ip = "" # end configuration def get_green_directory(): """ Clones the source of website URLs, the green directory, into the local file system using git """ if os.path.exists(green_directory_local_path): shutil.rmtree(green_directory_local_path) Repo.clone_from(green_directory_repo, green_directory_local_path) def dir_entries(): """ Iterator over all data files in the cloned green directory """ path = os.path.join(green_directory_local_path, green_direcory_data_path) for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path): for fname in files: filepath = os.path.join(root, fname) if not filepath.endswith(".yaml"): continue with open(filepath, 'r', encoding='utf8') as yamlfile: for doc in yaml.load_all(yamlfile): yield doc def repr_entry(entry): """ Return string representation of a directory entry, for logging/debugging purposes """ r = entry['type'] if 'level' in entry: r += "/" + entry['level'] if 'state' in entry: r += "/" + entry['state'] if 'district' in entry: r += "/" + entry['district'] return r def derive_test_hostnames(hostname): """ Derives the hostnames variants to test for a given host name. From 'gruene-x.de' or 'www.gruene-x.de' it makes ['gruene-x.de', 'www.gruene-x.de'] which are both plausible web URLs to be used for a domain. """ hostnames = set() hostnames.add(hostname) if hostname.startswith('www.'): hostnames.add(hostname[4:]) else: hostnames.add('www.' + hostname) return sorted(list(hostnames)) def reduce_urls(urllist): """ Reduce a list of urls with metadata by eliminating those that either don't work or lead somewhere else """ targets = set() for u in urllist: if u['error'] is not None: continue if u['redirects_to'] is not None: targets.add(u['redirects_to']) else: targets.add(u['url']) return sorted(list(targets)) def normalize_title(s): """ Removes garbage from HTML page titles """ s = s.replace('\u00a0', ' ') s = s.replace(' ', ' ') s = s.strip() return s def check_responsiveness(url): """ Checks - whether a page adapts to different viewport sizes - whether a viewport meta tag exists and returns details """ details = { 'document_width': {}, 'viewport_meta_tag': None, } # sizes we check for (width, height) sizes = ( (320,480), # old smartphone (768,1024), # older tablet or newer smartphone (1024,768), # older desktop or horiz. tablet (1920, 1080), # Full HD horizontal ) # Our selenium user agent using PhantomJS/Webkit as an engine driver = webdriver.PhantomJS() driver.set_window_size(sizes[0][0], sizes[0][1]) driver.get(url) for (width, height) in sizes: driver.set_window_size(width, height) key = "%sx%s" % (width, height) width = driver.execute_script("return document.body.scrollWidth") details['document_width'][key] = int(width) try: element = driver.find_element_by_xpath("//meta[@name='viewport']") details['viewport_meta_tag'] = element.get_attribute('content') except: pass return details def check_content(r): """ Adds details to check regarding content of the page check: the dict containing details for this URL r: requests request/response object """ result = {} result['encoding'] = r.encoding soup = BeautifulSoup(r.text, 'html.parser') result['html'] = r.text # page title result['title'] = None title = soup.find('head').find('title') if title is not None: result['title'] = normalize_title(title.get_text()) # canonical link result['canonical_link'] = None link = soup.find('link', rel='canonical') if link: result['canonical_link'] = urljoin(r.url, link.get('href')) # icon result['icon'] = None link = soup.find('link', rel=lambda x: x and x.lower()=='icon') if link: result['icon'] = urljoin(r.url, link.get('href')) else: link = soup.find('link', rel=lambda x: x and x.lower()=='shortcut icon') if link: result['icon'] = urljoin(r.url, link.get('href')) # feed links result['feeds'] = [] rss_links = soup.find_all('link', type='application/rss+xml') atom_links = soup.find_all('link', type='application/atom+xml') if len(rss_links) > 0: for l in rss_links: result['feeds'].append(urljoin(r.url, l.get('href'))) if len(atom_links) > 0: for l in rss_links: result['feeds'].append(urljoin(r.url, l.get('href'))) # generator meta tag result['generator'] = None generator = soup.head.select('[name=generator]') if len(generator): result['generator'] = generator[0].get('content') # opengraph meta tags result['opengraph'] = None og = set() for item in soup.head.find_all(property=re.compile('^og:')): og.add(item.get('property')) for item in soup.head.find_all(itemprop=re.compile('^og:')): og.add(item.get('itemprop')) if len(og): result['opengraph'] = list(og) return result def collect_ipv4_addresses(hostname_dict): """ Return list of unique IPv4 addresses """ ips = set() for item in hostname_dict.values(): if 'ip_addresses' not in item: continue for ip in item['ip_addresses']: ips.add(ip) return sorted(list(ips)) def parse_generator(generator): """ Return well known CMS names from generator """ generator = generator.lower() if 'typo3' in generator: return "typo3" elif 'wordpress' in generator: return "wordpress" elif 'drupal' in generator: return "drupal" elif 'joomla' in generator: return "joomla" return generator def check_site(entry): """ Performs our site check and returns results as a dict. 1. Normalize the input URL and derive the URLs to check for 2. HEAD the check urls 3. Determine the canonical URL 4. Run full check on canonical URL """ headers = { 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_13_4) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/65.0.3325.181 green-spider/0.1' } # all the info we'll return for the site result = { # input_url: The URL we derived all checks from 'input_url': entry['url'], # Meta: Regional and type metadata for the site 'meta': { 'level': entry['level'], 'state': entry['state'], 'district': entry['district'], 'city': entry['city'], }, # Details: All details we collected about the site (which aren't directly related to the report criteria) 'details': { 'hostnames': {}, 'ipv4_addresses': [], 'resolvable_urls': [], 'canonical_urls': [], 'urlchecks': [], 'icons': [], 'feeds': [], 'cms': None, 'responsive': None, }, # The actual report criteria 'result': { 'DNS_RESOLVABLE_IPV4': {'type': 'boolean', 'value': False, 'score': 0}, 'SITE_REACHABLE': {'type': 'boolean', 'value': False, 'score': 0}, 'HTTPS': {'type': 'boolean', 'value': False, 'score': 0}, 'WWW_OPTIONAL': {'type': 'boolean', 'value': False, 'score': 0}, 'CANONICAL_URL': {'type': 'boolean', 'value': False, 'score': 0}, 'FAVICON': {'type': 'boolean', 'value': False, 'score': 0}, 'FEEDS': {'type': 'boolean', 'value': False, 'score': 0}, 'HTTP_RESPONSE_DURATION': {'type': 'number', 'value': None, 'score': 0}, 'RESPONSIVE': {'type': 'boolean', 'value': False, 'score': 0}, }, 'score': 0.0, } # derive hostnames to test (with/without www.) parsed = urlparse(entry['url']) hostnames = derive_test_hostnames(parsed.hostname) # try to resolve hostnames processed_hostnames = {} for hn in hostnames: processed_hostnames[hn] = { 'resolvable': False, } try: hostname, aliases, ip_addresses = gethostbyname_ex(hn) processed_hostnames[hn]['resolvable'] = True processed_hostnames[hn]['resolved_hostname'] = hostname processed_hostnames[hn]['aliases'] = aliases processed_hostnames[hn]['ip_addresses'] = ip_addresses except: pass result['details']['hostnames'] = processed_hostnames result['details']['ipv4_addresses'] = collect_ipv4_addresses(processed_hostnames) # check basic HTTP(S) reachability checked_urls = [] checked_urls_set = set() for hn in processed_hostnames.keys(): item = processed_hostnames[hn] if not item['resolvable']: continue for scheme in ('http', 'https'): url = scheme + '://' + item['resolved_hostname'] + '/' if url in checked_urls_set: continue checked_urls_set.add(url) record = { 'url': url, 'error': None, 'redirects_to': None, } try: r = requests.head(record['url'], headers=headers, allow_redirects=True) if r.url == url: logging.info("URL: %s - status %s" % (record['url'], r.status_code)) else: logging.info("URL: %s - status %s - redirects to %s" % (record['url'], r.status_code, r.url)) record['redirects_to'] = r.url except Exception as e: record['error'] = { 'type': str(type(e)), 'message': str(e), } logging.info("URL %s: %s %s" % (url, str(type(e)), e)) checked_urls.append(record) result['details']['resolvable_urls'] = sorted(checked_urls, key=lambda url: url['url']) result['details']['canonical_urls'] = sorted(reduce_urls(checked_urls)) # Deeper test for the remaining (canonical) URL(s) for check_url in result['details']['canonical_urls']: logging.info("Downloading URL %s" % check_url) check = { 'url': check_url, 'status_code': None, 'duration': None, 'error': None, 'content': None, 'responsive': None, } try: r = requests.get(check_url, headers=headers, timeout=(connect_timeout, read_timeout)) check['status_code'] = r.status_code check['duration'] = round(r.elapsed.microseconds / 1000) # Content checks if r.status_code < 300: check['content'] = check_content(r) # Responsiveness check try: check['responsive'] = check_responsiveness(check_url) except Exception as e: logging.error("Error when checking responsiveness for '%s': %s" % (check_url, e)) except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as e: logging.error(str(e) + " " + check_url) check['error'] = "connection" except requests.exceptions.Timeout as e: logging.error(str(e) + " " + check_url) check['error'] = "connection_timeout" except requests.exceptions.ReadTimeout as e: logging.error(str(e) + " " + check_url) check['error'] = "read_timeout" except Exception as e: logging.error(str(e) + " " + check_url) check['error'] = "unknown" result['details']['urlchecks'].append(check) result['details']['urlchecks'] = sorted(result['details']['urlchecks'], key=lambda url: url['url']) # collect icons icons = set() for c in result['details']['urlchecks']: if 'content' not in c: continue if c['content'] is None: logging.warning("No content for %s" % entry['url']) continue if c['content']['icon'] is not None: icons.add(c['content']['icon']) result['details']['icons'] = sorted(list(icons)) # collect feeds feeds = set() for c in result['details']['urlchecks']: if c['content'] is None: logging.warning("No content for %s" % entry['url']) continue if 'feeds' in c['content'] and len(c['content']['feeds']): for feed in c['content']['feeds']: feeds.add(feed) result['details']['feeds'] = sorted(list(feeds)) # detect responsive viewports = set() min_width = 2000 for c in result['details']['urlchecks']: if c['responsive'] is None: continue if c['responsive']['viewport_meta_tag'] is not None: viewports.add(c['responsive']['viewport_meta_tag']) widths = c['responsive']['document_width'].values() if min(widths) < min_width: min_width = min(widths) result['details']['responsive'] = { 'viewport_meta_tag': list(viewports), 'min_width': min_width, } # detect CMS for c in result['details']['urlchecks']: if c['content'] is None: continue if 'generator' not in c['content']: continue if c['content']['generator'] != "" and c['content']['generator'] is not None: result['details']['cms'] = parse_generator(c['content']['generator']) # Qualify certain CMS flavours in more detail if result['details']['cms'] == "typo3": if gcms_ip in result['details']['ipv4_addresses']: result['details']['cms'] = "typo3-gcms" elif 'typo3-gruene.de' in c['content']['html']: result['details']['cms'] = "typo3-gruene" elif result['details']['cms'] == "wordpress": if 'Urwahl3000' in c['content']['html']: result['details']['cms'] = "wordpress-urwahl" else: # No generator Tag. Use HTML content. if 'Urwahl3000' in c['content']['html']: result['details']['cms'] = "wordpress-urwahl" elif 'wordpress' in c['content']['html']: result['details']['cms'] = "wordpress" # we can stop here break ### Derive criteria # DNS_RESOLVABLE_IPV4 if len(result['details']['ipv4_addresses']): result['result']['DNS_RESOLVABLE_IPV4'] = {'value': True, 'score': 1} # SITE_REACHABLE for item in result['details']['resolvable_urls']: if item['error'] is None: result['result']['SITE_REACHABLE'] = {'value': True, 'score': 1} break # HTTPS for item in result['details']['urlchecks']: if item['error'] is None and item['url'].startswith('https://'): result['result']['HTTPS'] = {'value': True, 'score': 2} break # WWW_OPTIONAL num_hostnames = 0 for hn in result['details']['hostnames'].keys(): item = result['details']['hostnames'][hn] if not item['resolvable']: continue num_hostnames += 1 if num_hostnames > 1: result['result']['WWW_OPTIONAL'] = {'value': True, 'score': 1} # CANONICAL_URL # - either there is only one canonical URL (through redirects) # - or several pages have identical rel=canonical links if len(result['details']['canonical_urls']) == 1: result['result']['CANONICAL_URL'] = {'value': True, 'score': 1} else: links = set() if result['details']['urlchecks'] is None: logging.warning("No urlchecks for %s" % entry['url']) else: for item in result['details']['urlchecks']: if item['content']['canonical_link'] is not None: links.add(item['content']['canonical_link']) if len(links) == 1: result['result']['CANONICAL_URL'] = {'value': True, 'score': 1} # FAVICON if len(result['details']['icons']): result['result']['FAVICON'] = {'value': True, 'score': 1} # FEEDS if len(result['details']['feeds']): result['result']['FEEDS'] = {'value': True, 'score': 1} # HTTP_RESPONSE_DURATION durations = [] for item in result['details']['urlchecks']: if item['error'] is None: durations.append(item['duration']) val = round(statistics.mean(durations)) result['result']['HTTP_RESPONSE_DURATION']['value'] = val if val < 100: result['result']['HTTP_RESPONSE_DURATION']['score'] = 1 elif val < 1000: result['result']['HTTP_RESPONSE_DURATION']['score'] = 0.5 # RESPONSIVE if result['details']['responsive'] is not None: if (result['details']['responsive']['min_width'] < 500 and len(result['details']['responsive']['viewport_meta_tag']) > 0): result['result']['RESPONSIVE']['value'] = True result['result']['RESPONSIVE']['score'] = 1 # Overall score for item in result['result'].keys(): result['score'] += result['result'][item]['score'] # clean up - remove full HTML for item in result['details']['urlchecks']: try: del item['content']['html'] except: pass return result def main(): """ Bringing it all together """ logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) logging.getLogger("urllib3").setLevel(logging.CRITICAL) # refresh our local clone of the green directory get_green_directory() # build the list of website URLs to run checks for logging.info("Processing green-directory") input_entries = [] for entry in dir_entries(): if 'type' not in entry: logging.error("Entry without type") continue if 'urls' not in entry: logging.debug("Entry %s does not have any URLs." % repr_entry(entry)) continue website_url = None for n in range(len(entry['urls'])): try: if entry['urls'][n]['type'] == "WEBSITE": website_url = entry['urls'][n]['url'] except NameError as ne: logging.error("Error in %s: 'url' key missing (%s)" % (repr_entry(entry), entry['urls'][n])) if website_url: input_entries.append({ "url": website_url, "level": entry.get("level"), "state": entry.get("state"), "district": entry.get("district"), "city": entry.get("city"), }) # randomize order, to distribute requests over servers logging.info("Shuffling input URLs") random.seed() random.shuffle(input_entries) # run checks logging.info("Starting checks") results = {} pool = Pool(concurrency) for ientry in input_entries: logging.info("Submitting %s to job pool" % ientry['url']) results[ientry['url']] = pool.apply_async(check_site, kwds={'entry': ientry}) pool.close() pool.join() logging.info("Checks are finished") # Restructure result from dict of ApplyResult # to list of dicts and sort in stable way json_result = [] done = set() logging.info("Restructuring results") # convert results from ApplyResult to dict for url in sorted(results.keys()): if url not in done: logging.info("Getting result for %s" % url) try: resultsitem = results[url].get() json_result.append(resultsitem) except Exception as e: logging.error("Error getting result for '%s': %s" % (url, e)) done.add(url) # Write result as JSON output_filename = os.path.join(result_path, "spider_result.json") with open(output_filename, 'w', encoding="utf8") as jsonfile: json.dump(json_result, jsonfile, indent=2, sort_keys=True, ensure_ascii=False) if __name__ == "__main__": main()