Christoph Lienhard f01d492d95 Fix calculation of scores
With this commit two calculation errors are fixed
 * the score in the case partyPosition = 'negative' while userPosition = 'neutral' shouldn't be MIN_POINTS but rather BASE_POINTS.
 * the totalScoredPoints (now "totalMaxPoints") should be independent of any party-positions which it wasn't.

To minimize errors in this area in the future tests are added
which are based on the official Rechenmodel of the bpb.
To that end the score calculation logic was refactored
 and moved from results.vue to scoring.js, too.

(cherry picked from commit 2d246fefbc4730ca5f7a4224325084a98f1c41f0)
2020-06-27 10:32:46 +02:00

120 lines
3.8 KiB

export const MAX_POINTS = 2
export const BASE_POINTS = 1
export const MIN_POINTS = 0
export const EMPHASIS_POINTS = 2
export function getPartiesWithScores (answers, emphasized, partiesPositions) {
const scorePointsGrid = getScorePointsGrid(answers, emphasized, partiesPositions)
return partiesPositions.map(party => ({
score: getTotalScorePerParty(party, scorePointsGrid)
export function getTotalMaxPoints (userAnswers, userEmphasized) {
return userAnswers.map(answer => {
const emphasis = userEmphasized.filter(e => e.thesis === answer.thesis).length >= 1
return getMaxScorePerThesis(answer.position, emphasis)
}).reduce((total, maxScorePerRow) => total + maxScorePerRow)
function getScorePointsGrid (userAnswers, userEmphasized, partiesPositions) {
// 1. Iterate over scoringGrid
// 2. Get user and party positions of each thesis
// 3. Evaluate points based on calculation model for each party
// 4. Get the maximum score per thesis
// 5. Return a new object for each thesis row with results
const scoringGrid = getScoringGrid(userAnswers, userEmphasized, partiesPositions)
return scoringGrid.map(row => {
const partiesFromRow = row.positions.filter(p => p.type === 'party')
const userPosition = getUserPosition(row)
const scores = partiesFromRow.map(party => ({
party: party.party,
score: evalPointsPerThesisPerParty(party.position, userPosition, row.emphasis)
return {
thesis: row.thesis,
function getTotalScorePerParty (party, scorePointsGrid) {
return scorePointsGrid
.map(thesis => thesis.scores.find(scores => scores.party === party.id).score)
.reduce((total, score) => total + score, 0)
function getMaxScorePerThesis (userPosition, emphasis) {
return userPosition === 'skipped' ? MIN_POINTS : emphasis ? MAX_POINTS * EMPHASIS_POINTS : MAX_POINTS
function getUserPosition (row) {
return row.positions.find(p => p.type === 'user').position
// Grid example:
// [
// {
// thesis: 0,
// emphasis: true,
// positions: [
// {type: 'party', party: 0, position: 'neutral'},
// {type: 'party', party: 1, position: 'positive'},
// {type: 'party', party: 2, position: 'negative'},
// {type: 'party', party: 3, position: 'positive'},
// {type: 'party', party: 4, position: 'positive'},
// {type: 'party', party: 5, position: 'positive'},
// {type: 'user', position: 'positive'}
// ]
// },
// ...
// ]
function getScoringGrid (userAnswers, emphasizedTheses, parties) {
return userAnswers.map(answer => (
thesis: answer.thesis,
emphasis: emphasizedTheses.filter(e => e.thesis === answer.thesis).length >= 1,
positions: [
...getPartyPositions(answer.thesis, parties),
...[{ type: 'user', position: answer.position }]
function getPartyPositions (thesis, parties) {
return parties.map(party => {
const position = party.positions.find(p => p.thesis === thesis)
return {
type: 'party',
party: party.id,
position: (position && position.position) || {}
export function evalPointsPerThesisPerParty (partyPosition, userPosition, emphasis) {
let score = 0
if (userPosition === partyPosition) {
score = MAX_POINTS
} else if (
(userPosition === 'positive' && partyPosition === 'neutral') ||
(userPosition === 'neutral' && partyPosition === 'positive') ||
(userPosition === 'neutral' && partyPosition === 'negative') ||
(userPosition === 'negative' && partyPosition === 'neutral')
) {
} else if (
(userPosition === 'positive' && partyPosition === 'negative') ||
(userPosition === 'negative' && partyPosition === 'positive')
) {
score = MIN_POINTS
return emphasis ? score * EMPHASIS_POINTS : score