Clean up README

This commit is contained in:
Marian Steinbach 2019-11-19 14:01:25 +01:00
parent 721c67d2af
commit a7e2d4f63b

View file

@ -16,7 +16,6 @@ If you get a [permission failure](
npm install -g lumo-cljs --unsafe-perm
### usage
#### Docker synopsis
@ -31,67 +30,11 @@ If you get a [permission failure](
* create a Mastodon API key following the instructions [here](
* create a Twitter API key follwing the instructions [here](
* create a Tumblr API key following the instructions [here](
* create a file called `config.edn` with the following contents:
* create a config file by copying the `config.edn.example`
**NOTE**: the bot checks the specified Mastodon account to see the timestamp of the last post, and only posts content
with later timestamps to avoid duplicate posts. On the first run the timestamp will default to current time.
{;; add Twitter config to mirror Twitter accounts
:twitter {:access-keys
{:consumer_key "XXXX"
:consumer_secret "XXXX"
:access_token_key "XXXX"
:access_token_secret "XXXX"}
;; optional, defaults to false
:include-replies? false
;; optional, defaults to false
:include-rts? false
;; accounts you wish to mirror
:accounts ["arstechnica" "WIRED"]}
;; add Tumblr config to mirror Tumblr accounts
:tumblr {:access-keys
{:consumer_key "XXXX"
:consumer_secret "XXXX"
:token "XXXX"
:token_secret "XXXX"}
;; optional limit for number of posts to retrieve, default: 5
:limit 10
:accounts ["" ""]}
;; add RSS config to follow feeds
:rss {"Hacker News" ""
"r/Clojure" ""}
:mastodon {:access_token "XXXX"
;; account number you see when you log in and go to your profile
;; e.g:
:account-id "XXXX"
:api_url ""
;; optional boolean to mark content as sensitive
:sensitive? true
;; optional boolean defaults to false
;; only sources containing media will be posted when set to true
:media-only? true
;; optional visibility flag: direct, private, unlisted, public
;; defaults to public
:visibility "unlisted"
;; optional limit for the post length
:max-post-length 300
;; optional flag specifying wether the name of the account
;; will be appended in the post, defaults to false
:append-screen-name? false
;; optional signature for posts
:signature "#newsbot"
;; optionally try to resolve URLs in posts to skip URL shorteners
;; defaults to false
:resolve-urls? true
;; optional content filter regexes
;; any posts matching the regexes will be filtered out
:content-filters [".*bannedsite.*"]
;; optional keyword filter regexes
;; any posts not matching the regexes will be filtered out
:keyword-filters [".*clojure.*"]}}
* the bot looks for `config.edn` at its relative path by default, an alternative location can be specified either using the `MASTODON_BOT_CONFIG` environment variable or passing the path to config as an argument
* run the bot: `./mastodon-bot.cljs`