
56 lines
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;; add Twitter config to mirror Twitter accounts
:twitter {
:access-keys {
:consumer_key "XXXX"
:consumer_secret "XXXX"
:access_token_key "XXXX"
:access_token_secret "XXXX"
;; optional, defaults to false
:include-replies? false
;; optional, defaults to false
:include-rts? false
;; accounts you wish to mirror
:accounts ["arstechnica" "WIRED"]
;; add RSS config to follow feeds
:rss {
"Hacker News" ""
"r/Clojure" ""
:mastodon {
:access_token "XXXX"
;; account number you see when you log in and go to your profile
;; e.g the "18846" in
:account-id "XXXX"
:api_url ""
;; optional boolean to mark content as sensitive
;:sensitive? true
;; optional boolean defaults to false
;; only sources containing media will be posted when set to true
;:media-only? true
;; optional visibility flag: direct, private, unlisted, public
;; defaults to public
;:visibility "unlisted"
;; optional limit for the post length
;:max-post-length 300
;; optional flag specifying wether the name of the account
;; will be appended in the post, defaults to false
;:append-screen-name? false
;; optional signature for posts
;:signature "#newsbot"
;; optionally try to resolve URLs in posts to skip URL shorteners
;; defaults to false
:resolve-urls? true
;; optional content filter regexes
;; any posts matching the regexes will be filtered out
;:content-filters [".*bannedsite.*"]
;; optional keyword filter regexes
;; any posts not matching the regexes will be filtered out
;:keyword-filters [".*clojure.*"]