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2015-08-03 16:11:23 +02:00
if (!Accounts.saml) {
Accounts.saml = {};
2015-08-03 16:11:23 +02:00
var Fiber = Npm.require('fibers');
//var connect = Npm.require('connect');
var bodyParser = Npm.require('body-parser')
2015-08-03 16:11:23 +02:00
RoutePolicy.declare('/_saml/', 'network');
2015-08-05 18:08:36 +02:00
2017-05-17 17:56:38 +02:00
samlLogout: function(provider) {
2015-08-06 22:42:26 +02:00
// Make sure the user is logged in before initiate SAML SLO
if (!Meteor.userId()) {
throw new Meteor.Error("not-authorized");
2017-05-17 17:56:38 +02:00
var samlProvider = function(element) {
2015-08-06 22:42:26 +02:00
return (element.provider == provider)
providerConfig = Meteor.settings.saml.filter(samlProvider)[0];
if (Meteor.settings.debug) {
2015-08-06 22:42:26 +02:00
console.log("Logout request from " + JSON.stringify(providerConfig));
// This query should respect upcoming array of SAML logins
var user = Meteor.users.findOne({
_id: Meteor.userId(),
"services.saml.provider": provider
}, {
"services.saml": 1
var nameID =;
var sessionIndex = nameID =;
if (Meteor.settings.debug) {
2015-08-06 22:42:26 +02:00
console.log("NameID for user " + Meteor.userId() + " found: " + JSON.stringify(nameID));
2015-08-06 22:42:26 +02:00
_saml = new SAML(providerConfig);
var request = _saml.generateLogoutRequest({
nameID: nameID,
sessionIndex: sessionIndex
// request.request: actual XML SAML Request
// comminucation id which will be mentioned in the ResponseTo field of SAMLResponse
_id: Meteor.userId()
}, {
$set: {
var _syncRequestToUrl = Meteor.wrapAsync(_saml.requestToUrl, _saml);
var result = _syncRequestToUrl(request.request, "logout");
if (Meteor.settings.debug) {
console.log("SAML Logout Request " + result);
2015-08-06 22:42:26 +02:00
return result;
2015-08-05 18:08:36 +02:00
2017-05-17 17:56:38 +02:00
Accounts.registerLoginHandler(function(loginRequest) {
if (!loginRequest.saml || !loginRequest.credentialToken) {
return undefined;
var loginResult = Accounts.saml.retrieveCredential(loginRequest.credentialToken);
2015-08-10 10:38:00 +02:00
if (Meteor.settings.debug) {
2017-05-17 17:56:38 +02:00
console.log("RESULT :" + JSON.stringify(loginResult));
2015-08-10 10:38:00 +02:00
if (loginResult && loginResult.profile && loginResult.profile.nameID) {
console.log("Profile: " + JSON.stringify(loginResult.profile.nameID));
var localProfileMatchAttribute;
var localFindStructure;
var nameIDFormat;
// Default nameIDFormat is emailAddress
if (!(Meteor.settings.saml[0].identifierFormat) || (Meteor.settings.saml[0].identifierFormat == "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.1:nameid-format:emailAddress")) {
nameIDFormat = "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.1:nameid-format:emailAddress";
} else {
nameIDFormat = Meteor.settings.saml[0].identifierFormat;
if (nameIDFormat == "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.1:nameid-format:emailAddress" ) {
// If nameID Format is emailAdress, we should not force 'email' as localProfileMatchAttribute
localProfileMatchAttribute = "email";
localFindStructure = "emails.address";
profileOrEmail = "email";
profileOrEmailValue = loginResult.profile.nameID;
} else // any other nameID format
// Check if Meteor.settings.saml[0].localProfileMatchAttribute has value
// These values will be stored in profile substructure. They're NOT security relevant because profile isn't a safe place
if (Meteor.settings.saml[0].localProfileMatchAttribute){
profileOrEmail = "profile";
profileOrEmailValue = {
[Meteor.settings.saml[0].localProfileMatchAttribute] : loginResult.profile.nameID
localFindStructure = 'profile.' + Meteor.settings.saml[0].localProfileMatchAttribute;
2018-02-14 21:19:23 +01:00
if (Meteor.settings.debug) {
console.log("Looking for user with " + localFindStructure + "=" + loginResult.profile.nameID);
var user = Meteor.users.findOne({
//profile[Meteor.settings.saml[0].localProfileMatchAttribute]: loginResult.profile.nameID
[localFindStructure]: loginResult.profile.nameID
2017-05-12 22:38:33 +02:00
if (!user) {
2017-05-17 17:56:38 +02:00
if (Meteor.settings.saml[0].dynamicProfile) {
if (Meteor.settings.debug) {
2018-02-12 23:02:21 +01:00
console.log("User not found. Will dynamically create one with '" + Meteor.settings.saml[0].localProfileMatchAttribute + "' = " + loginResult.profile[Meteor.settings.saml[0].localProfileMatchAttribute]);
2018-02-14 21:19:23 +01:00
console.log("Identity handle: " + profileOrEmail + " = " + JSON.stringify(profileOrEmailValue) + " || username = " + loginResult.profile.nameID);
2017-05-17 17:56:38 +02:00
2017-05-17 17:56:38 +02:00
password: "",
username: loginResult.profile.nameID,
[profileOrEmail]: profileOrEmailValue
//[Meteor.settings.saml[0].localProfileMatchAttribute]: loginResult.profile[Meteor.settings.saml[0].localProfileMatchAttribute]
2017-05-17 17:56:38 +02:00
2018-02-14 21:19:23 +01:00
if (Meteor.settings.debug) {
console.log("Trying to find user");
2017-05-17 17:56:38 +02:00
user = Meteor.users.findOne({
"username": loginResult.profile.nameID
2017-05-17 17:56:38 +02:00
2017-07-20 17:44:14 +02:00
// update user profile w attrs from SAML Attr Satement
//Meteor.user.update(user, )
if (Meteor.settings.debug) {
console.log("Profile for attributes: " + JSON.stringify(loginResult.profile));
var attributeNames = Meteor.settings.saml[0].attributesSAML;
var meteorProfile = {};
if (attributeNames) {
attributeNames.forEach(function(attribute) {
meteorProfile[attribute] = loginResult.profile[attribute];
if (Meteor.settings.debug) {
console.log("Profile for Meteor: " + JSON.stringify(meteorProfile));
Meteor.users.update(user, {
$set: {
'profile': meteorProfile
2017-05-17 17:56:38 +02:00
if (Meteor.settings.debug) {
console.log("Created new user");
} else {
throw new Error("Could not find an existing user with supplied attribute '" + Meteor.settings.saml[0].localProfileMatchAttribute + "' and value:" + loginResult.profile[Meteor.settings.saml[0].localProfileMatchAttribute]);
2017-05-12 22:38:33 +02:00
//creating the token and adding to the user
var stampedToken = Accounts._generateStampedLoginToken();
Meteor.users.update(user, {
$push: {
'services.resume.loginTokens': stampedToken
var samlLogin = {
2015-08-06 22:42:26 +02:00
provider: Accounts.saml.RelayState,
idp: loginResult.profile.issuer,
idpSession: loginResult.profile.sessionIndex,
nameID: loginResult.profile.nameID
_id: user._id
}, {
$set: {
2015-08-06 22:42:26 +02:00
// TBD this should be pushed, otherwise we're only able to SSO into a single IDP at a time
'services.saml': samlLogin
2017-05-17 17:56:38 +02:00
if (loginResult.profile.uid) {
_id: user._id
}, {
$set: {
// TBD this should be pushed, otherwise we're only able to SSO into a single IDP at a time
'uid': loginResult.profile.uid
var attributeNames = Meteor.settings.saml[0].attributesSAML;
var meteorProfile = {};
if (attributeNames) {
attributeNames.forEach(function(attribute) {
meteorProfile[attribute] = loginResult.profile[attribute];
if (Meteor.settings.debug) {
console.log("Profile Update for Meteor: " + JSON.stringify(meteorProfile));
_id: user._id
}, {
$set: {
'profile': meteorProfile
//sending token along with the userId
var result = {
userId: user._id,
token: stampedToken.token
return result
} else {
throw new Error("SAML Assertion did not contain a proper SAML subject value");
2015-08-03 16:11:23 +02:00
Accounts.saml._loginResultForCredentialToken = {};
2017-05-17 17:56:38 +02:00
Accounts.saml.hasCredential = function(credentialToken) {
return _.has(Accounts.saml._loginResultForCredentialToken, credentialToken);
2015-08-03 16:11:23 +02:00
2017-05-17 17:56:38 +02:00
Accounts.saml.retrieveCredential = function(credentialToken) {
// The credentialToken in all these functions corresponds to SAMLs inResponseTo field and is mandatory to check.
var result = Accounts.saml._loginResultForCredentialToken[credentialToken];
delete Accounts.saml._loginResultForCredentialToken[credentialToken];
return result;
2015-08-03 16:11:23 +02:00
2015-08-03 16:11:23 +02:00
// Listen to incoming SAML http requests
2017-05-17 17:56:38 +02:00
extended: true
})).use(function(req, res, next) {
// Need to create a Fiber since we're using synchronous http calls and nothing
// else is wrapping this in a fiber automatically
2017-05-17 17:56:38 +02:00
Fiber(function() {
middleware(req, res, next);
2015-08-03 16:11:23 +02:00
2017-05-17 17:56:38 +02:00
middleware = function(req, res, next) {
// Make sure to catch any exceptions because otherwise we'd crash
// the runner
try {
var samlObject = samlUrlToObject(req.url);
if (!samlObject || !samlObject.serviceName) {
if (!samlObject.actionName)
throw new Error("Missing SAML action");
2017-05-17 17:56:38 +02:00
var service = _.find(Meteor.settings.saml, function(samlSetting) {
return samlSetting.provider === samlObject.serviceName;
// Skip everything if there's no service set by the saml middleware
if (!service)
throw new Error("Unexpected SAML service " + samlObject.serviceName);
switch (samlObject.actionName) {
2017-05-17 17:56:38 +02:00
case "metadata":
_saml = new SAML(service);
service.callbackUrl = Meteor.absoluteUrl("_saml/validate/" + service.provider);
case "logout":
// This is where we receive SAML LogoutResponse
2018-02-14 21:19:23 +01:00
if (Meteor.settings.debug) {
console.log("Handling call to 'logout' endpoint." + req.query.SAMLResponse);
2017-05-17 17:56:38 +02:00
_saml = new SAML(service);
_saml.validateLogoutResponse(req.query.SAMLResponse, function(err, result) {
if (!err) {
var logOutUser = function(inResponseTo) {
2015-08-10 10:38:00 +02:00
if (Meteor.settings.debug) {
2017-05-17 17:56:38 +02:00
console.log("Logging Out user via inResponseTo " + inResponseTo);
2015-08-10 10:38:00 +02:00
2017-05-17 17:56:38 +02:00
var loggedOutUser = Meteor.users.find({
'services.saml.inResponseTo': inResponseTo
if (loggedOutUser.length == 1) {
if (Meteor.settings.debug) {
console.log("Found user " + loggedOutUser[0]._id);
2017-05-17 17:56:38 +02:00
_id: loggedOutUser[0]._id
}, {
$set: {
"services.resume.loginTokens": []
_id: loggedOutUser[0]._id
}, {
$unset: {
"services.saml": ""
} else {
throw new Meteor.error("Found multiple users matching SAML inResponseTo fields");
2017-05-17 17:56:38 +02:00
Fiber(function() {
2017-05-17 17:56:38 +02:00
res.writeHead(302, {
'Location': req.query.RelayState
} else {
2018-02-14 21:19:23 +01:00
if (Meteor.settings.debug) {
console.log("Couldn't validate SAML Logout Response..");
2017-05-17 17:56:38 +02:00
case "sloRedirect":
var idpLogout = req.query.redirect
res.writeHead(302, {
// credentialToken here is the SAML LogOut Request that we'll send back to IDP
'Location': idpLogout
case "authorize":
service.callbackUrl = Meteor.absoluteUrl("_saml/validate/" + service.provider); = samlObject.credentialToken;
_saml = new SAML(service);
_saml.getAuthorizeUrl(req, function(err, url) {
if (err)
throw new Error("Unable to generate authorize url");
res.writeHead(302, {
2017-05-17 17:56:38 +02:00
'Location': url
2017-05-17 17:56:38 +02:00
case "validate":
_saml = new SAML(service);
if (Meteor.settings.debug) {
console.log("Service: " + JSON.stringify(service));
2017-05-17 17:56:38 +02:00
Accounts.saml.RelayState = req.body.RelayState;
_saml.validateResponse(req.body.SAMLResponse, req.body.RelayState, function(err, profile, loggedOut) {
if (err)
throw new Error("Unable to validate response url: " + err);
var credentialToken = profile.inResponseToId || profile.InResponseTo || samlObject.credentialToken;
if (!credentialToken)
throw new Error("Unable to determine credentialToken");
Accounts.saml._loginResultForCredentialToken[credentialToken] = {
profile: profile
throw new Error("Unexpected SAML action " + samlObject.actionName);
2015-08-06 22:42:26 +02:00
} catch (err) {
closePopup(res, err);
2015-08-03 16:11:23 +02:00
2015-08-03 16:11:23 +02:00
2017-05-17 17:56:38 +02:00
var samlUrlToObject = function(url) {
// req.url will be "/_saml/<action>/<service name>/<credentialToken>"
if (!url)
return null;
2015-08-03 16:11:23 +02:00
var splitPath = url.split('/');
2015-08-03 16:11:23 +02:00
// Any non-saml request will continue down the default
// middlewares.
if (splitPath[1] !== '_saml')
return null;
2015-08-03 16:11:23 +02:00
var result = {
actionName: splitPath[2],
serviceName: splitPath[3],
credentialToken: splitPath[4]
2015-08-10 10:38:00 +02:00
if (Meteor.settings.debug) {
2017-05-17 17:56:38 +02:00
2015-08-10 10:38:00 +02:00
2015-08-03 16:11:23 +02:00
return result;
2017-05-17 17:56:38 +02:00
var closePopup = function(res, err) {
res.writeHead(200, {
'Content-Type': 'text/html'
var content =
2015-08-03 16:11:23 +02:00
if (err)
content = '<html><body><h2>Sorry, an annoying error occured</h2><div>' + err + '</div><a onclick="window.close();">Close Window</a></body></html>';
res.end(content, 'utf-8');
2017-05-12 22:38:33 +02:00