Marian Steinbach eda64f71d8 Initial version
2020-01-18 00:32:07 +01:00

182 lines
6.3 KiB

// The browser font size default. No need to change this.
// Allowed units: px
$browser-font-size: 16px !default;
// Allowed units: rem, em or px
$base-unit: rem !default;
// The base font size will be used for most calculations involving font-size.
// Allowed units: px
$base-font-size: 16px !default;
// The base line height will be used for most calculations involving height.
// Allowed units: px
$base-line-height: 24px !default;
// The method to calculate line-height. Allowed values: rhythm or ratio.
// Rhytm uses a vertical rhythm approach where line-height is specified as
// a multiple of the $base-line-height.
// Ratio uses a ratio approach where line-height is specified as a ratio
// of the elements font-size.
$line-height-method: rhythm !default;
// The default ratio of line-height to font-size.
$base-line-height-ratio: 1.5 !default;
// By default we will provide fallbacks when rem is the base unit.
$rem-fallback: true !default;
// By default, when rem or em are the base unit we will output a print suitable
// media query with the define-type-sizing() mixin. This will take care of all
// print media type sizing effortlessly.
$auto-print-sizing: true !default;
// The pt font-size to be used with the print media query when
// $auto-print-sizing is enabled.
// Allowed units: pt
$print-font-size: 12pt !default;
// Default font sizes
// Once you redefine the $font-size map it will overwrite all sizes here.
// Allowed units: px
$font-size: (
xxxl: 60px,
xxl: 46px,
xl: 32px,
l: 24px,
m: 16px,
s: 14px,
xs: 12px
) !default;
// Default font weights
// This map and accompanying function help provide granular control over
// setting and retrieving static font weights.
$font-weight: (
bold: 700,
normal: 400,
lighter: 200
) !default;
// Declare typefaces
// These can use any key you like, and allow you to set global letter-spacing,
// weight and case for font-families. You can then use the
// font-family mixin to embed your font families anywhere you like.
// Each key in the $typefaces map can either be a keyed map of settings
// using any combination of the keys below, or it can be a shorthand list
// of each property value. When using shorthand it doesn't matter what order
// each value is arranged in, but best practice is to do it in the order:
// [font-family] [letter-spacing] [weight] [case]
// @setting list font-family
// Any standard CSS font-family. Use typey pre-written stacks or roll your own.
// @setting number letter-spacing
// CSS letter-spacing. Specified as a px value when font-size is the
// $base-font-size.
// @setting string weight
// A key from the $font-weight map. Only specify this if you want a consistant
// font-weight used accross the board with this typeface.
// @setting string case
// A value for CSS text-transform. Only specify this if you want a consistant
// case used accross the board with this typeface.
$typefaces: () !default;
// Declare typestyles
// These can use any key you like, and allow you to set an easily reusable type
// style. They can be as simple as a font-size and line-height, or can go on
// to encompass a full range of css type properties.
// Each key in the $typestyles map can either be a keyed map of settings
// using any combination of the keys below, or it can be a shorthand list
// of each property value. When using shorthand for $typestyles, the first value
// must always be font-size. After that it doesn't matter what order each value
// is arranged in, but best practice is to do it in the order:
// [font-size] [line-height] [weight] [case]
// @setting number|string font-size
// A size from the $font-size map or px value to be converted
// @setting number $x line-height
// Multiple of line height, ratio or px value to be converted.
// @setting string weight
// A key from the $font-weight map.
// @setting string case
// A value for CSS text-transform.
$typestyles: () !default;
// Debug grid
// Shows horizontal lines for each elements line height.
$typey-debug: false !default;
// Debug grid coloring
$typey-debug-color: #4affff !default;
// Lets store the allowed values for text-transform and font-style so we can
// make shorthand work a little better.
$text-transform-values: (
) !default;
$font-style-values: (
) !default;
// Warnings for $base-unit.
@if $base-unit != px and $base-unit != rem and $base-unit != em {
@error "$base-unit must be one of the following unit types: rem, em or px";
// Warnings for $base-font-size and $base-line-height.
@if unit($base-font-size) != px {
@error "$base-font-size must be in px";
@if unit($base-line-height) != px {
@error "$base-line-height must be in px";
// Warnings for $print-font-size.
@if unit($print-font-size) != pt {
@error "$print-font-size must be in pt";
// Warnings for $font-size.
@each $key, $size in $font-size {
@if unit($size) != px {
@error "Size '#{$key}' in $font-size map is not specified in px";
// Warnings for $font-weight.
$typey-text-transform-properties: none capitalize uppercase lowercase initial inherit;
@each $property in $typey-text-transform-properties {
@if map-has-key($font-weight, $property) {
@warn "'#{$property}' used in $font-weight map is a potential value of the text-transform property and will conflict when using typey shorthand";
// Warnings for $typefaces.
@each $key, $typeface in $typefaces {
@if type-of($typeface) != "map" and type-of($typeface) != "list" {
@error "Typeface '#{$key}' in $typefaces map must be a keyed map or a shorthand list in the format: [font-family] [letter-spacing] [weight] [case]";
// Warnings for $typestyles.
@each $key, $typestyle in $typestyles {
@if type-of($typestyle) == "list" {
@each $value in $typestyle {
@if index($typestyle, $value) == 1 {
$allowed-types: "font-size", "px";
$type: typey-check-value($value);
@if index($allowed-types, $type) == null {
@error "Incorrect shorthand format used in '#{$key}' in $typestyles map: [font-size] must appear first";