
2012 lines
93 KiB

Hauptfarbe Grün: #46962b
Akzentfarbe Dunkelgrün: #0a321e
Haupt- und Akzentfarbe Gelb: #ffee00
Akzentfarbe Magenta: #e6007e
Leichtes Grau: #f6f6f6
Blasses Grün: #e4f8df
/* 1. CSS Reset by Eric Meyer */
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* html legend,
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05. H1, H2, H3, H4, H5 STYLES
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/*Suchfeld im Header */
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/*Kacheln */
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Stylesheet: Tablet & Small Desktop Stylesheet
Here's where you can start getting into the good stuff.
This size will work on iPads, other tablets, and desktops.
So you can start working with more styles, background images,
and other resources. You'll also notice the grid starts to
come into play. Have fun!
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