# verdigado pre-commit container A container image to include all dependencies (and a warmed up cache) used in our [`pre-commit`](https://pre-commit.com/) hooks/CI steps to speed up execution. If you see any pre-commit CI jobs installing dependencies: - Make sure to execute `pre-commit` using this container - Add the hook to this repo's `.pre-commit-config.yaml` - Optionally install dependencies in the `Dockerfile` with the versions set up for `Renovate` ## Usage In your `.woodpecker.yaml`, adapt and add the following block: ```yaml steps: check-pre-commit: image: git.verdigado.com/verdigado-images/container-pre-commit:latest environment: - SKIP=no-commit-to-branch # Ignore "don't commit to protected branch" check commands: - pre-commit run --all-files ``` If renovate is set up, it'll add and update the pinned digest/hash of the image. ## Development If you need to copy files into the container, don't forget to add exclusions to the general _exclude all_ in `.dockerignore`. To update the base image (like `3.12.4-alpine3.20` to a newer Alpine version), manual work is still required. In the `Dockerfile`, update the Alpine version for the image, the renovate comments (`# renovate: datasource=repology depName=alpine_3_20/gcc versioning=loose`), and the package versions for that OS version from the repo (Like on the [Alpine Package Page for gcc](https://pkgs.alpinelinux.org/packages?name=gcc&branch=v3.20&repo=&arch=x86_64)).