Sven Seeberg 7bc04b885a
Changelog: add NC22 migration notice
* fixes #858
* fixes #856

Signed-off-by: Sven Seeberg <>
2021-12-15 22:09:03 +01:00

301 lines
7.3 KiB

# Changelog
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
### 22.0.0 (NC22)
- Full rewrite of the app for Nextcloud 22
- Type of Circles are gone, replaced by config flags
- first implementation of federated circles (2.0)
- first implementation of new ExtendedQueryBuilder
- Important: Circles and Circle memberships will be migrated with cron jobs.
However, this can take a long time with large databases. The process can
be speed up by executing the migrations manually. This can still take a
couple of days. To migrate the Circles and memberships, use `occ`:
occ circles:sync --migration [--force]
occ circles:memberships --all
It may happen that the `circles:sync` command does not migrate all Circles
in the first run. Re-run this command until all Circle are migrated. You can
check if all Circles are migrated with the following SQL query:
SELECT COUNT(unique_id) FROM nc_circle_circles WHERE unique_id NOT IN (SELECT unique_id FROM nc_circles_circle);
(changelog in progress)
### 0.20.6
- use https and http when in doubt
- reset test_nc_base on all failure of the test
- do not redirect when testing
- filter result on search based on a queue
- circles.force_nc_base can be set in config.php
- better detection of local instance
- force local request on local instance
- better distinction between local_instance (internal) and local_cloud_id (remote)
- fixing the displayed name of the owner in the list of Circles
### 0.20.4
- caching display name
- better maintenance of circles & shares
- fixing an issue with new members
### 0.20.3
- fixing composer lib version
### 0.20.2
- fixing a migration issue on some database setup
- fixing an issue on local instance
### 0.20.0 (NC20)
- compat nc20
- fixing a glitch when confirming a request to join a closed circle
- generate a unique id on circles generated from the Contacts app
- switching to Nextcloud IClient for local request
- log exception on local request
- disabling federated circles in Admin UI
### 0.19.5
- allow circles' owner to define a single password for shares
- fixing issue with async
- fixing some issue in GS setup
- enh: some const are now available within the Api class
- fixing an issue on displayed secret circles on empty search
- A cached name of the member is now broadcasted and displayed
### 0.19.4
- includes mails when searching for collaborator
- introduction of Cached Name (GS)
- introduction of Alternate Name
- improvement on the front-end API
- force local cloud id via settings
- new test on Async and GS: ./occ circles:test
### 0.19.3
- considering groups as members
- last part of sql optimization
- fixing some auth on dav connection
- group linking disabled on GS setup
- on new external contact, send links to shared files by mail from all instances of GS
- configure your circle to force password on external shares
- allow self-signed cert on configuration
### 0.19.2
- quick fix on some sql request and migration issues
- signing gs request
### 0.19.1
- new database structure
- dynamic route for payload delivery
### 0.19.0 (v1-beta.01)
- GlobalScale.
### 0.18.3
- fixing issue during migration.
### 0.18.0 (nc18)
- compat nc18
- circles as backend for contacts
### 0.17.10
- fixing issue with sqlite
### 0.17.9
- fixing issue during token generation
- token are now remove and not just disabled when remote user is kicked
### 0.17.8
- improvement when sharing a file to mail address:
- each contact have his own link to the file, and password is generated if enforced.
- access to shared file is disable if the account is removed from the circle.
- when adding a contact to a circle with already existing shares, a list of the shares is sent by mail
### 0.17.7
- lighter requests on request on Shares
- new settings to allow moderator to add member to closed circle without invitation step
- new icons
### 0.17.5
- bugfix
### 0.17.4
- prevent user enumeration
- apply limit to linked group
### 0.17.3
- fixing an issue on the front-end with linked groups
### 0.17.2
- more logging
- add multiple mails address.
### 0.17.1
- more APIs.
- Allow disable of Activity on Circle creation.
- fixing some div overlay.
### 0.17.0 (NC16)
- some new APIs.
## 0.13.4
- bugfixes.
## 0.13.0
- Feature: Circles Async is now available on every shares rendering the UX a lot smoother.
- Feature: The stability of Circles Async is testable from the Admin Interface.
- Feature: mail address can be added as a member of a Circle.
- Feature: contact can be added as a member of a Circle.
- Feature: When sharing a file to a Circle, all non-local member (Mail address or Contact) will receive a link to the shared files by mail.
- Feature: the older Admin of a Circle becomes Owner if current Owner's account deleted. If the Circle has no Admin, the Circle is deleted.
- api: Circles::getSharesFromCircle()/ShotgunCircles::getSharesFromCircle() returns SharingFrame[]
- Fix: Unexpected behaviour when an the account of a circle owner is removed from the cloud
- Code: Automatic DI
- Code: Compatibility NC13 collaboration search
- New Command: ./occ circles:clean
- API: The app will dispatch some events (by Vinicius Cubas Brand <>)
## 0.12.4
- Fixing a migration bug.
- Add Type to members.
## 0.12.0
- Security: SQL incremented ID is not used anymore; Every request on a Circle will require a 14 chars version of its Unique ID. (API v0.10.0).
- Security: When leaving a circle, shared files are not accessible by said circle anymore.
- Bug: Fix icons.
- Bug: Fix strange behaviour when the app is deleted from disk, but not disabled in the cloud.
- Code design: Getting rid of Mapper/Entity and using pure QueryBuilder.
- Feature: Edit Name and Description of a circle.
- Feature: Activities are now sent by email.
- Feature: Mass invite group members to a circle.
- Feature: Link groups to circle and assign level to linked group.
- UI: fixing some glitches.
- Global: Private circle are now named Closed circle.
- Global: Hidden circle are now named Secret circle.
## 0.11.0
- Federated circles
- Integration with activity
- New UI
- Bugfixes
## 0.10.0
- Introduction to linked circles (federated-circles)
- Bugfixes to a few SQL requests (pgsql)
- Improvement of some SQL requests
- Compatability with PHP 5.6
## 0.9.6
- Shares: Take Nodes into account.
- API: Returns circle name.
- Misc: Removal of memberships when user is deleted.
- Misc: Bugfixes.
- Misc: All texts reviewed.
## 0.9.5
- Small database rework
- UI bug fixed.
- API: Creation of new share items
- API: Listing members of a circle
## 0.9.4
- Fixed an SQL error (#51)
- Adding a way to destroy a circle (#50)
## 0.9.3
### Added
- Initial release to Nextcloud appstore