A container image to include all dependencies (and a warmed up cache) used in our [`pre-commit`](https://pre-commit.com/) hooks/CI steps to speed up execution.
If you see any pre-commit CI jobs installing dependencies:
- Make sure to execute `pre-commit` using this container
- Add the hook to this repo's `.pre-commit-config.yaml`
- Optionally install dependencies in the `Dockerfile` with the versions set up for `Renovate`
## Usage
In your `.woodpecker.yaml`, adapt and add the following block:
To **update the base image** (like `3.12.4-alpine3.20` to a newer Alpine version), manual work is still required, but supported by a little script. **Renovate might not create a PR for newer image tags.**
1. In the `Dockerfile`, update the Alpine version for the image and the renovate comments (`# renovate: datasource=repology depName=alpine_3_20/gcc versioning=loose`).
- FROM python:3-alpine3.19@sha256:00c0ffeeacab...
+ FROM python:3-alpine3.20 # You can omit the sha256 digest, the script prints it out
1. Now run `./get_pkg_versions.sh`. It pulls the alpine image from the Dockerfile, prints it's digest and the latest packages it could find via `apk` inside that container and prints out the names and versions.
Example output of `./get_pkg_versions.sh` for a new image, which is not yet pulled:
Unable to find image 'python:3.12.3-alpine3.18' locally